Monday, July 25, 2011

The Six Oranges Puzzles

(This is my answer to my subject's Learning Skills exam: How did I arrive to the answer to this question? What were my learning skills involved?)

THE PUZZLE: There are six oranges in the bag. How can you give these 6 children an orange each and still have one left in the bag?

First of all, when I got this question, to be passed on the day of regular class, I didn't bother myself much to answer immediately because there were still other things I must do. An exam the next day. However, there were days I would think about it but not much until I started making this.

I heard what the others would do to get this answer. Some would research. Some made this a discussion on Facebook. However, I didn't bother myself to listen to them because I wanted to try to answer this puzzle myself.

I got my first answer to this question when I was on the commode. (I'm a thinker. I think a lot. My mind runs like a TV.)

Answer #1: There are 6 oranges and I gave each orange to 6 children. But the puzzle didn't say there's one "orange" left in the bag. Therefore, there could be another fruit in the bag.

My second answer came when I was only chilling out or enjoying free time watching a movie, and I went to pee. (Bathroom again) My second answer is a bit weird and complex.

Answer #2: What if the person doesn't know division. Six oranges, he has to divide to 6 children. 6 divided by 6 is one. Therefore, there is one orange left in the bag.

Logically, that's not possible...and dumb.

Answer #3: What if the person miscounted the oranges. He counted 6 oranges and gave it to 6 children. He missed counting the seventh orange. (But the question said HOW not WHAT IF.)

Answer #4: The man gave 6 oranges to 6 children. But one child didn't like an orange, so child returned the orange. The man left with one orange in his bag. (However, the puzzle said there's "one left IN THE BAG".)

All my answers didn't quite stick to the puzzle itself, but all were possible in each of their own way.

I set aside my answers and lastly went to the internet to search for 'an' answer. I didn't say 'the' answer because I knew there are many possible answers from this puzzle.

Answer #5: said "Start with 7 oranges..."

Hmm. Answer #5 is quite possible and logical, and sticks to question accurately.

THE PUZZLE: There are six oranges in the bag. How can you give these 6 children an orange each and still have one left in the bag?

THE ANSWER: Add one more orange to the bag.

I have not thought the puzzle could be that simple. A young child can answer this puzzle. Too bad, I'm no longer a small child with an unadulterated mind.

(Before I write this on paper/booklet, I typd on the computer. I can think more if I type because I wouldn't mind my handwriting and counting the pages I used. So two of my learning skills is to remove distractions and find something comfortable. Minding my handwriting, pen and paper is a distraction, and typing on a keyboard is comfortable. When I make my journals, I type, I no longer write.
And I made this VERY late at night. Night is when my mind works more, maybe because of the less stimuli that goes on at night or less distractions from the noise or people.)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Racing with Ohana

Don't make a point. Guide.
There is a limp with crutches. He has to reach the finish line before he misses the opportunity but he doesn't know how. So he starts asking people who are also running the race.
Someone 'points' to him where is the finish line and leaves. Now, the limp knows where the finish line is. However, he doesn't know how to get there.
He only has his crutches. So he starts walking.
A mile later, he becomes tired. He starts crawling with the crutches tied on his back.
Later he thinks, will he let go off his crutches to loosen his load? But what if he may need it again later? So the limp continues his pace. Walk with his crutches and crawl. Again and again he does this cycle just to reach to the finish line.
However, the limp becomes so tired with the same strategy over and over again and he still is unable to reach to the finish on time. If only someone would guide him.
If someone guides him, will he be able to reach the finish line on time?
There is a limp with crutches. He has to reach the finish line but he doesn't know how. He starts asking people who are also running the race.
People hear him and know his need. They start guiding him and helping him to reach the finish line.
Someone lends him a wheelchair. The limp sits on the wheelchair and ties his crutches behind the wheelchair. He rolls on.
Will he get to the finish line? What if one wheel from the wheelchair get broken? How will he get to the finish line?
The limp has many things in mind. He would use his crutches again but he knows he is unable to reach the finish line with his crutches. Or is only he knows how to fix the wheel but he doesn't know how to fix a wheel and he doesn't have the tools to fix. Or he would rather start rolling as hard as he could with a broken wheel. Will he get to the finish line?
What if people are there to help him? They would either fix his wheel or replace the wheel for him. Others would try to just carry him to reach to the finish line.
So the race is in motion again. The limp is being carried to the finish line leaving the wheelchair and his crutches.
What if the person carrying him sprained his ankle? He has to put the limp down. Now there are two limps running the race. How will they get to the finish line? The limp has left his crutches behind and if starts crawling again, what would happen to the new limp?
Each limp would place one of their arms over the other limp's shoulder, and they limp away to the finish line. Skipping. Leaping. Skipping.
A mile later, the two limps are both tired; they start crawling.
Is the first limp complaining that he has to crawl again? Is the first limp sad that he has to crawl again?
The two limps are enjoying each other's company. Yes, they are tired. But they are happy. Sooner, they reach the finish line together.
Don't make a point. Guide.

The limp can't get to the finish line with only what he has and only what he knows. With limited resources, he can't finish the race because someone only points to him where the finish line is. With help and guidance, the limp is able to finish the race. Not by himself but with a friend who first guides him, then later, they help each other out.
We are limps. We cannot reach the finish line by ourselves. We need guidance and help. We don't need people pointing to us the direction. We don't need teachers, parents, or friends to point us to our futures. We need them to guide us. We need people not pride. We need fellowship not workmanship.
Because people have the resources we don't have.

Woe is a man who runs the race alone.
Happy is the man who finishes the race with others.

"We have around us many people whose lives tell us what faith means (GUIDANCE). So let us run the race that is before us and never give up (FINISH LINE--LIFE). We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back (CRUTCHES/OUR OWN RESOURCES--PRIDE/SELFISHNESS/ISOLATION)." Hebrews 12:1

"I saw a man who had no family, no son or brother. He always worked hard but was never satisfied with what he had. He never asked himself, "For whom am I working so hard? Why don't I let myself enjoy life?" This is very sad and useless." Eccl. 4:8

"Two people are better than one, because they get more done by working together.
If one falls down, the other can help him up.
But it is bad fo the person who is alone and falls, because no one is there to help.
If two lie down together, they will be warm.
An enemy might defeat one person, but two people together can defend themselves; a rope that is woven of three strings is hard to break." Eccl. 4:9-12

"If two or three are gathered together in [Jesus'] name, [Jesus is] there with them.] Matt. 18:20

Success is not about education, career, degree, position, or wealth. Success is about having a relationship with God. And because God is a God of relationships. He places us a hunger for people. And God can never be our God if we are isolated. Therefore, SUCCESS is about having a good relationship with God and His people.

"Together you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of the body." 1 Cor. 12:27
"OHANA means family. Family means nobody gets left behind." - Lilo & Stitch, 2002
"We are one." - Lion King 2, 1998

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Siblings In Christ: How long have you been here? VS How old are you?

In life or in truth, there is no such thing as "How old are you?" but "How long have you been living on this earth?"

"Huh?!" You mean? "How old are you" is like "How OLD are you?" By the word old means like you're decaying, you're days are counted, numbered. But "How long have you been living this earth?" Let me continue that question, "How long have you been living this earth? How long have you been living your life's potentials? How long have you using your life as really YOUR life and not by compulsion or impulse? How long have you been influencing people? How long have you reached your potential, yet?" Confusing?

The second question states that you're important in this world. You're wonderful to be with. You're of worth. It brings more hope to the person being asked. Just don't ask, "How long have you been living in this world?" Because it brings a "Huh?!" Like earlier.

More importantly, we're all equals. No matter how long you've been here. You're just human, getting old and decaying. Seems harsh. You're God's creation like the rest you see around you.

Jesus never asked, "How old are you?" Nor did he say, "You should be 18 to be with me." His exact age when he died wasn't mentioned except his years of teaching was mentioned. So like if the gospels said it this way so direct, "Jesus, at age 30, started preaching, and at age age 33, he died." So like, human. All that was said was that Jesus preached for 3 years. "How long?" 3 years. And Jesus always mentioned 'young man', I can't remember if I ever read that Jesus said, 'old man'.

Jesus introduced us as His brothers and sisters, God's adopted children & chosen people. No matter how old you are, making a difference is what matters. Making a difference to people as a BIG brother or BIG sister to younger brothers and sisters is a great deal for us Christians. How much you touched a person's life and became part of his life, even for a short while, still matters. There's no difference and unequality of being brothers and sisters with one another. Those who never had BIG brothers or sisters in their biological family could always find BIG brothers & sisters in our spiritual family, Jesus' Body. And those who never had younger siblings could always find them in God's family. We're created to be together. As Solomon said, "How can one keep warm by himself?" A jacket? No, not much. A warm being can keep warm another warm being. Together they are keeping each other warm.

Now, what does this have to do with the young man, old man I mentioned earlier? It's that when we call someone old, he's days are numbered. When we call someone young, he's accepted as someone who needs guidance. It's already in our mindset when we hear young and old. So, it's better to call the old or older than us as our elders or our elderly people. This way we are welcoming the bond of like a family. The elders are our like fathers and mothers , still they are our BIG brothers and sisters. The young one are like our little brothers and sisters. As what it was written by Paul to Timothy, 1 Timothy 5:1,2.

This kinda shifts the less hopeful words to the more influential ones. From the how old are you to how long have you been. From old to elderly to BIG brothers and sisters.

God's message of love is conveyed to the love you give to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Those who have never felt loved before could feel God's Love by your love. 

So, "How old are you?" Nah!!

"How long have you reached people, needy people, people who need help, people who never known anyone to turn to, people who haven't known about Jesus' personal and welcomed relationship with Him and God the Father?"

"How long have you been living for God?" That's not important. "How long WILL you live for God?" That's IMPORTANT.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The New Covenant of God

In the beginning, God created man and woman.
But man sinned and their offsprings carried the curse of death.
In time, people were condemned
To pay the penalty of sin for as long as they lived.

But God knew their hearts, He didn't want those offerings and sacrifices.
God was sad His children were condemned away from Him forever.
He had to. He hated sin and sin cannot enter the midst of God.
God had a plan: He wanted His children back into His arms once again.
He sent His Son, Jesus.

Jesus came to earth as a man. He taught, healed, and discipled.
When time came, He was crucified, died, and buried.
But alas, in three days, He rose again. ALIVE!
That was the plan.

The Father brought the Son to us to pay our wages.
God didn't want our worldly sacrifices.
He didn't want us to slave ourselves trying hard to enter His Kingdom.
He wanted us FULL ASSURANCE and ACCEPTANCE of Jesus' payment of our debts
For no amount can equal the death of the Father's Son.

No deed. No penance. No pilgrimage.
Nothing can pay us from sin.
No friend. No teacher. No enemy.
Nothing can take our place of death.
Only Jesus can. The perfect Lamb of God.

God is happy His children can now enter His Home
To be with Him forevermore.
In Jesus, the mighty name of Christ,
The covenant for God's children
Is sealed for eternal life.

Monday, June 30, 2008

My Golden Compass Reply/Review

A post from a Facebooker:
This is a great topic. I am not a Christian...and think the double-standard and rationalization Christians employ is downright humorous. I love the sci-fi fantasies, not because they are anti-Christian, but because they ask the GOOD questions. And to me, the questions are way more important than the answers. 

Tell me, why is Harry Potter not ok, but Chronicles of Narnia is ok, and Golden Compass is not ok? All have magic, two have Wizards, all have religious undertones. 

If people's faith is so shallow and tenuous that a creative, fantastical story threatens it, than it is not worth very much by anyone's standards.

And here's my reply:
Harry Potter is judged by Deuteronomy 18:10-12. If we speak about it's values and the characters, there're hatred, vengeance, lies, and murder. Yes, there're also love and friendship (friendship which I like about Harry Potter because of their support to family and friends), but the love being portrayed is only limited to the ones who also love them and hate towards there enemies. The Christians are taught to love one another, even those who persecute them.

The Chronicles of Narnia has parallels to The Bible. The author is a Christian. The CON teaches love to everyone (even those who have wronged them), forgiveness, peace, unity, and faith.

Now, the Golden Compass (i like this movie, really, so much). I know all about its controversies and the author trying to "kill God (he says)". When I was watching the movie, I had all the issues in mind. So, as I watched the movie, I was really critically thinking deep about this movie asking myself, "how does this movie be anti-God?" Here's what I figured, it's nothing anti-Christian or whatsoever, it's just anti to religious systems/doctrines/practices that forced their people/followers to do as these churches/religion tell them to. At first, I even figured it to be anti-Vatican for it was really where a big society was involved. Vatican & the Pope were so influential to many people. And I think, that's why Pullman hated so much about God because he experienced something about religions/Christianity that he did not like. Maybe he experienced a justice system in a church where e.g. excommunication was involved. Well, it's clearly see.n in the GC, Asriel was to be killed for he was against the Magisterium. Some justice system of churches do not follow the bible. Like e.g. say the Roman Catholicism, you're out when you're against their doctrines (praying to the rosary, praying to the saints, etc) for who would want you to join their group if your not conniving w/ them.

I love my church and where I am now. They help me grow spiritually with God. We base our principles directly to God's Word and we do not have add-ons such as praying for the dead, praying to whoever saints/statues for I have never seen in the bible to pray for the dead, & praying to those icons are against God's commands for which He said, "you shall not have other gods before me nor you should bow down to idols".

Why I like this movie so much? It's the love of Marisa to Lyra. You know that Intercission scene? It was where I stopped thinking deeply about this movie and by then I knew it's not killing God, it's killing a religion or church that did not fully base their doctrines upon the Bible. Pullman just needed guidance and journey to God's Word and besides, Pullman loved the Truth (the alethiometer) and he wanted to find the absolute Truth, which's Jesus Christ, "He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life." (John 14:6) But he does not know it yet. What about you, do you seek the Truth?

Also, another thing. There's this another controversy, it's the word daemon. Daemon is an evil entity of us, it's our own sinful nature. When we were born, we, all of us, no one exception, were already sinners (Romans 3:23). And the only way to control this nature/daemon of ours is to open our hearts to Jesus Christ (the WAY, TRUTH, LIFE). If we control ourselves on our own, we would fail for it's already in us that we are sinners and we can't be perfect and sinless, but Jesus IS perfect and sinless and He is the Son of God. The Pullman wrote that the Magisterium was trying to control the lives of the people by separating them from their daemons; we could never be separated by our sinful nature, not even a church or religion. A church could never control you (though some were in the habit of doing & this was where Pullman was trying to point out); it's our free choice if we wanted our sinful nature to lead us to eternal damnation or let Jesus take control of us and let us enter the eternal life (remember, He is the way, truth, & LIFE).

Once we have Jesus, we'll be a new person: "When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside. The old life has passed away and a new life has begun." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Do christians believe you go to hell if you don't believe in god? (Yahoo! Answers)

if this is true then isn't it unfair that the native aboriginal australians who had no idea of christianity because of their geographic location were damned to hell through no fault of their own?
The question's best answer was:
Age old question. And no I do not believe that Christians are going to be the only ones going to heaven. I think it has to do with what kind of person you are and what kind of life you have lived. I don't expect to see Charles Manson or John Wayne Gasey or Hitler there lol. I do however expect to see Eskimos, Buddists, people from tribes all over the world, Jews, Native Americans, Hindus, and all kinds of folk, from every nation and religion. Does anyone with half a brain really believe that only Christians go to heaven? Boy, big shock in store for them lol.

I disagree with this answer because this is how the world thinks, how they view life, how they think about God. God is not minute whom you can stomp on. God is bigger than you can imagine, bigger than the universe. God is powerful than the devil, powerful than you. God can never be known in anyone, in anything, in anywhere, but only in the Bible can you find & know God. Once you build a relationship with God, He would show himself to you personally.

This is my answer to the question:

True that life is unfair. Nothing's fair. According to our little worldy minds, God IS unfair, but God judges fairly and accordingly. If it is God's will to lead His people to reach out the unreachable, then He will. If not, well, it's God's will.

Many believed in God. Even Satan believed in God but why is he condemned to hell? Because Satan didn't love nor trust God. He rebelled against God. He didn't put his faith in God but in his desires to be like God himself.

Then how can we escape hell? To enter the Kingdom of God (heaven) you must first be 'born again' (John 3) as what Jesus told us when He was still here on earth. And "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." (Eph 2:8-9)

>Accept Jesus in your heart. Let Him be in complete control of you.

>Believe that He died on the cross, shed His blood, lived again, and ascended to heaven to "prepare a place" for you until He comes back. (John 14:1-4)

>Confess all your sins to Him. (Romans 10:9-10)

>Don't wait until you die because none of us knows when we die. And when we die it's either we go to heaven or hell and Judgment Day would prevail what we did when we were still alive. All of us will only die ONCE. (Hebrews 9:27)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Loving God! (From my Multiply, dated Apr 25, '08)

A person woke up and saw beautiful sunshine. He felt God's presence. Then God asked him, "Will you love my creation if you were blind? Sing praises to me if you were mute? Listen to me if you were deaf? Walk with me if you were lame? etc.

Then Jesus asked him, "Do you truly love me?"

He answered YES, but Jesus asked a lot of questions until Jesus said, "I answered all your prayers because I love you."

Just think of it. How much do you love God?