In life or in truth, there is no such thing as "How old are you?" but "How long have you been living on this earth?"
"Huh?!" You mean? "How old are you" is like "How OLD are you?" By the word old means like you're decaying, you're days are counted, numbered. But "How long have you been living this earth?" Let me continue that question, "How long have you been living this earth? How long have you been living your life's potentials? How long have you using your life as really YOUR life and not by compulsion or impulse? How long have you been influencing people? How long have you reached your potential, yet?" Confusing?
The second question states that you're important in this world. You're wonderful to be with. You're of worth. It brings more hope to the person being asked. Just don't ask, "How long have you been living in this world?" Because it brings a "Huh?!" Like earlier.
More importantly, we're all equals. No matter how long you've been here. You're just human, getting old and decaying. Seems harsh. You're God's creation like the rest you see around you.
Jesus never asked, "How old are you?" Nor did he say, "You should be 18 to be with me." His exact age when he died wasn't mentioned except his years of teaching was mentioned. So like if the gospels said it this way so direct, "Jesus, at age 30, started preaching, and at age age 33, he died." So like, human. All that was said was that Jesus preached for 3 years. "How long?" 3 years. And Jesus always mentioned 'young man', I can't remember if I ever read that Jesus said, 'old man'.
Jesus introduced us as His brothers and sisters, God's adopted children & chosen people. No matter how old you are, making a difference is what matters. Making a difference to people as a BIG brother or BIG sister to younger brothers and sisters is a great deal for us Christians. How much you touched a person's life and became part of his life, even for a short while, still matters. There's no difference and unequality of being brothers and sisters with one another. Those who never had BIG brothers or sisters in their biological family could always find BIG brothers & sisters in our spiritual family, Jesus' Body. And those who never had younger siblings could always find them in God's family. We're created to be together. As Solomon said, "How can one keep warm by himself?" A jacket? No, not much. A warm being can keep warm another warm being. Together they are keeping each other warm.
Now, what does this have to do with the young man, old man I mentioned earlier? It's that when we call someone old, he's days are numbered. When we call someone young, he's accepted as someone who needs guidance. It's already in our mindset when we hear young and old. So, it's better to call the old or older than us as our elders or our elderly people. This way we are welcoming the bond of like a family. The elders are our like fathers and mothers , still they are our BIG brothers and sisters. The young one are like our little brothers and sisters. As what it was written by Paul to Timothy, 1 Timothy 5:1,2.
This kinda shifts the less hopeful words to the more influential ones. From the how old are you to how long have you been. From old to elderly to BIG brothers and sisters.
God's message of love is conveyed to the love you give to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Those who have never felt loved before could feel God's Love by your love.
So, "How old are you?" Nah!!
"How long have you reached people, needy people, people who need help, people who never known anyone to turn to, people who haven't known about Jesus' personal and welcomed relationship with Him and God the Father?"
"How long have you been living for God?" That's not important. "How long WILL you live for God?" That's IMPORTANT.